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Compare denim performance against uSEIR model (Hernández et al. 2021)

uSEIR defined in Python

Source code:

useir implementation in pure Python
## Warning: package 'reticulate' was built under R version 4.3.1
# use_python("/opt/anaconda3/envs/bnn/bin/python", required = TRUE)
use_condaenv(condaenv='bnn', required = TRUE)
matplotlib <- import("matplotlib")
matplotlib$use("Agg", force = TRUE)
from scipy.stats import gamma
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.pyplot import imshow
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = 10, 8
plt.rcParams["font.size"     ] = 14
plt.rcParams['savefig.format'] = 'png'
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pyarrow as pa

def plot_useir(dfs, lbls, T = 'uSEIR', figsize=(10,10)):
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
    for i, df in enumerate(dfs):
        ls = f'S-{lbls[i]}'
        lr = f'R-{lbls[i]}'
        plt.plot(df.t, df.S, lw=2, label=ls)
        plt.plot(df.t, df.R, lw=2, label=lr)

    plt.xlabel('time (days)')
    plt.ylabel('Fraction of population')
    for i, df in enumerate(dfs):
        le = f'E-{lbls[i]}'
        li = f'I-{lbls[i]}'
        plt.plot(df.t, df.E, lw=2, label=le)
        plt.plot(df.t, df.I, lw=2, label=li)

    plt.xlabel('time (days)')
    plt.ylabel('Fraction of population')

def solve_uSeir(ti_shape     = 5.5,  
                   ti_scale     = 1, 
                   tr_shape     = 6.5,  
                   tr_scale     = 1,
                   R0           = 3.5):
    The pure python version only uses the gamma distribution and fine grain.
    It's sole purpose is benchmarking the cython version
    # This function is similar to calcTransitionProb in denim
    def compute_gamma_pde(t_shape, t_scale, eps, tol):
        # compute dwell time steps unit
        ne = int(gamma.ppf(tol, a=t_shape, scale=t_scale) / eps)
        # transition rate per timestep 
        pdE = np.zeros(ne)
        cd1 = 0
        for i in np.arange(ne):
            # equivalent to computing sum(pi_i) in denim
            cd2    = gamma.cdf(i*eps, a=t_shape, scale=t_scale)
            pdE[i] = cd2-cd1 # equivalent compute current transition prob in denim
            cd1    = cd2
        # return values
        # ne: equivalent of dwell time in time steps
        # pdE: equivalent to p_i in denim paper
        return ne, pdE

    N       = 1e+6
    Smin    = 1e-10 
    Emin    = 1e-10
    nmax    = 21000 # max time steps
    eps     = 0.01
    tr = tr_shape*tr_scale
    prob    = R0 / tr 
    pn      = prob * eps
    tol     = 0.9999 # similar to the error tolerance in denim

    nE, pdE = compute_gamma_pde(ti_shape, ti_scale, eps, tol)
    nI, pdI = compute_gamma_pde(tr_shape, tr_scale, eps, tol)

    print(f' Function solve_uSeir: time epsilon = {eps}')
    print(f' statistical distribution is Gamma , ti = {ti_shape*ti_scale}, tr = {tr_shape*tr_scale}')
    print(f' number of exposed compartments = {nE}, infected compartments = {nI}')
    print(f' R0 = {R0}, prob = {prob}, pn = {pn}')
    I   = np.zeros(nI)
    E   = np.zeros(nE)
    S    = 1 - 1/N
    E[0] = 1 / N
    R    = 0
    sI   = 0

    TT = []
    SS = []
    EE = []
    II = []
    RR = []
    n    = 0
    while True:
        # update R compartment  
        # I[0] here is equivalent to population that will move to R at t + 0 (i.e. current time step) 
        R += I[0]

        # ----- Simulate for S-I first -----
        end = nI - 1 # compute dwell time
        # update population for I_k where I_k is the population that will move to R at time t + k (in time step)
        for k in np.arange(end):
            I[k] = I[k+1] + pdI[k] * E[0] 
            # pdI[k] * E[0] is just contact rate
            # where I[k+1] is value computed from previous timestep (i.e. shift I[k+1] from old iteration to I[k] in current iteration)
        I[end] = pdI[end] * E[0]

        # ----- Simulate I-E transition -----
        end = nE - 1
        for k in np.arange(end):
            E[k] = E[k+1] + pn * pdE[k] * sI * S
        E[end]   = pn * pdE[end] * sI * S

        # pn * sI * S equivalent to probs * epsilon * S * I/N
        S  = S - pn * sI * S
        sI = np.sum(I)
        sE = np.sum(E)
        TT.append(n * eps)
        #print(f't = {n*eps} S = {S} E ={sE} I ={sI} R = {R}')
        if (sE < Smin and sI < Emin) or n > nmax:
    df = pd.DataFrame(list(zip(TT, SS, EE, II, RR)), 
               columns =['t', 'S', 'E', 'I', 'R']) 
    return df

# print(plt.gcf().canvas.get_supported_filetypes())

Run simulation using pure Python implementation

Code for running uSEIR in pure Python
import time
from statistics import mean

runs = []

# --- Get runtime for 10 runs ----
# for i in range(10):
#   start = time.time()
#   df = solve_uSeir(ti_shape     = 2,
#                      ti_scale     = 4,
#                      tr_shape     = 2,
#                      tr_scale     = 3,
#                      R0           = 3.5)
#   end = time.time()
#   runs = runs + [end - start]
#   mean(runs)
# plot_useir((df,), ('G',), T = 'uSEIR', figsize=(14,8))
# print(f'python solve_seir call: dr = {end-start}')

Run time for pure Python implementation is ~ 59.9872

Run simulation using cython implementation

Code for running uSEIR in Cython (C backend)
# import precompiled cython module
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, "../supplements")
import useir
import time

runs = []
# --- Get runtime for 10 runs ----
# for i in range(10):
#   start = time.time()
#   df = useir.csolve_uSeir(dist = "gamma",
#                     ti_shape     = 2,  
#                      ti_scale     = 4, 
#                      tr_shape     = 2,  
#                      tr_scale     = 3,
#                      R0           = 3.5
#   )
#   end = time.time()
#   runs = runs + [end - start]
# mean(runs)

df = useir.csolve_uSeir(dist = "gamma",
                    ti_shape     = 2,  
                     ti_scale     = 4, 
                     tr_shape     = 2,  
                     tr_scale     = 3,
                     R0           = 3.5
##  Function compute_pde with sampling = Fine, time epsilon = 0.01
##  statistical distribution = gamma, ti = 8.0, tr = 6.0
##  number of exposed compartments = 4702, infected compartments = 3526
## len pdE = 4702, max(pdE) =0.0009196976461058881 len pdi = 3526 max(pdI) =0.0012262625368251734
## prob = 0.5833333333333334, pn = 0.005833333333333334
# convert to pyarrow table for easy conversion to R data.frames
to_r_df = pa.Table.from_pandas(df)

Run time for Cython implementation is ~ 0.4140

Run simulation using denim

Code for running uSEIR in denim

denim_model <- list(
  "S -> E" = "(R0/tr) * timeStepDur * S * (I/N)", # formulate according that of uSEIR method
  "E -> I" = d_gamma(scale = 4, shape = 2),
  "I -> R" = d_gamma(scale = 3, shape = 2)

initialValues <- c(S = 999999, E = 1, I= 0, R= 0)
parameters <- c(R0 = 3.5, 
                tr = 3*2, # compute mean recovery time, for gamma it's scale*shape
                N = 1e6, timeStepDur = 0.01)

# ---- Get runtimes of 10 runs ----
# runtimes <- sapply(1:10,
#   function (i) {
#     time <- system.time(
#       sim(transitions = denim_model, 
#                      initialValues = initialValues,
#                      parameters = parameters,
#                      simulationDuration = 210, timeStep = 0.01)
#     )
#     return(time[["elapsed"]])
#   })
# mean(runtimes)

# ---- Get output ----
denim_out <- sim(transitions = denim_model, 
                     initialValues = initialValues,
                     parameters = parameters,
                     simulationDuration = 210, timeStep = 0.01)

Run time for denim implementation is ~ 1.002

## Warning: package 'arrow' was built under R version 4.3.3
## Attaching package: 'arrow'
## The following object is masked from 'package:utils':
##     timestamp

Hernández, Pilar, Carlos Pena, Alberto Ramos, and Juan José Gómez-Cadenas. 2021. “A New Formulation of Compartmental Epidemic Modelling for Arbitrary Distributions of Incubation and Removal Times.” Edited by Eric Forgoston. PLOS ONE 16 (2): e0244107.